Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

last time :'(

we were said "hello" for the first time when i first saw you, and "goodbye" for the last ..
today, the last time i saw you :)*
today, the last time i heard your voice :)*
today, the last time i was joking with friends :')
today, the last time i saw you played the guitar:) *
today, the last time i hold your hand :')
today, the last time i huged you :')today, the last time i said "im sorry" to you :)*
today, i want to remember how you've made ​​me laugh and sometimes cry, and 
today, i never want to forget how special and different you are :')*
today, was like a fairytale:')*

--- No more crying. I can't cry anymore ---

:)* = blablabla~ ..
:') = all of my friends ..
:')* = both of them ..

(at graduation and farewell of jhs 1 lembang'11~June21st2011) 

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