Senin, 27 Juni 2011

i just would like to say...

I am so stupid.
And I'm really sorry.
I don't know if you're still mad at me or not.
But I just want to say I'm really sorry.
I never should have said anything.
I was dumb, I don't know why I even said anything at all.
I guess I should have known, or at least put the pieces together,
Now I feel really dumb, and feel that your mad at me for saying that.
I didn't mean to upset you, I swear D:

Don't hate me. T_T

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

miss the time :(*



      I miss the times when I was little. No problems,no boys, no drama, no love lifejust mommy's little girl in the middle of her teddy bears, her mickey mouse, and a lot of toys.
      It's not the past that hurts, but the flashbacks that follows. Our generation problem? That we all tried to grow up fast, but obviously, we regret it later. Yes, scrapped knees were easier to fix than broken hearts.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

last time :'(

we were said "hello" for the first time when i first saw you, and "goodbye" for the last ..
today, the last time i saw you :)*
today, the last time i heard your voice :)*
today, the last time i was joking with friends :')
today, the last time i saw you played the guitar:) *
today, the last time i hold your hand :')
today, the last time i huged you :')today, the last time i said "im sorry" to you :)*
today, i want to remember how you've made ​​me laugh and sometimes cry, and 
today, i never want to forget how special and different you are :')*
today, was like a fairytale:')*

--- No more crying. I can't cry anymore ---

:)* = blablabla~ ..
:') = all of my friends ..
:')* = both of them ..

(at graduation and farewell of jhs 1 lembang'11~June21st2011) 

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

nobody's want leave their bestfriend not except me .

Guys, thank you for always being here for me, though you are stupid you fail you're weird you're not perfect but thats okay im like that too. We laugh at the randomest things. You know my ugliest side. When im sad, you were always there to make sure im okay. Thanks for being there for me. I am here for you too, no matter what, i'll be here. Don't make it to hard with the "love life" that you're having, go have fun with some other guys! I love you and I want you to know that. You're forever in my heart , adzra